OHSAS (ISO 14001-18001) - Audit Successfully Completed

SIKRAFT’s management believes in providing a Safe & healthy working environment for their employees. The management chose a systematic approach, adopted sustainable policy, complied with legislations, regulations and identified inherent risks and ways to control them, demonstrating SIKRAFT’s commitment towards the cause.
Our customers, Supervisory bodies and Employees, all have an interest in the environmental performance of our organization.
ISO 14001 focuses on managing our organization's impact on the external environment, to reduce pollution and comply with regulations.
We commit ourselves to maintaining a green environment by adopting the best practices as defined in the standard.
Bureau Veritas has prepared and conducted a stringent audit in 2 stages, checking our compliance with the defined standards.
Both stages of the audit are successfully completed and Sikraftw ill be awarded the certificate for ISO 14001-18001 very soon.